Title : The Kavanaugh case and the McAlpine gambit
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The Kavanaugh case and the McAlpine gambit
If and when the Big Plot Twist occurs in the current Kavanaugh melodrama, nobody will give me credit for predicting it.Everyone (on both the right and the left) has been brainwashed to accept only the current framing: Either 1. Christine Blasey Ford is telling the truth or 2. She is party to an Evil Dem conspiracy.
I have offered a third option. I posit that Blasey Ford has been cajoled or manipulated into pressing a false charge, with the ultimate goal of helping Trump.
If you dare to consider that possibility, people will think you're from Mars.
In my scenario, the Big Plot Twist would be a classic example of the "McAlpine gambit," as described in many, many previous posts. Guess we'll have to do it again.
The following quotation comes from a book about Machiavelli by Lord Alistair McAlpine, friend to Margaret Thatcher. (The book is about using Machiavellian tactics in the modern business world.)
First, create a situation where you are wrongly accused. Then, at a convenient moment, arrange for the false accusation to be shown to be false beyond all doubt. Those who have made accusations against both the company and its management become discredited. Further accusations will then be treated with great suspicion.McAlpine intended these words as a summary of advice given by Machiavelli. Of course, the tactic still works.
Lord McAlpine's wording was very simple. MY wording has been very simple.
Yet my readers still insist on misunderstanding me. Nobody gets me.
In part, this is because the Kavanaugh controversy brings us into the realm of sex, and sex is the mind-killer. Not fear: Sex. Dune got it wrong. Fear often clarifies a complicated situation; sex never does.
Feminists cannot permit themselves to consider this forbidden concept -- that Christine Blasey Ford might be a witting participant in a McAlpine gambit which has the ultimate goal of aiding Trump.
Thoughtcrime! Women are holy. Women are sacred. Even when placed under duress or offered a large reward, women never lie. Never! Only a horrible sexist rape-apologist Penismonster would consider such a possibility.
And yet, we have this note from one of my readers (a female reader, I must point out):
Chatter on Disqus is there's someone coming forward to say "She's mistaken, I'm the guy who molested her at that party."I have not seen this chatter. If anyone out there can cite an example, please forward a link.
Right now, Kavanaugh is the first "below water" Supreme Court nominee, according to an NBC/WSJ poll. Interestingly, support from Republicans has increased since the attempted rape allegation became public. Republicans love to assume what I call the "false underdog" position. If and when the Big Plot Twist hits, we are never going to hear the end of it.
One major purpose of such a scheme would be to justify the "false underdog" narrative, and to cement that narrative in the minds of independents. The message may be summarized thus:
Democrats are all evil conspirators. Conservatives are always the victims of conspiracy, never the perpetrators.
That's the narrative which the GOP propagandists keep pushing every minute of every hour of every day. Trump's survival depends on convincing the country that this narrative reflects reality.
When the Big Plot Twist hits, Kavanaugh will suddenly be extremely popular, and Trump will have "evidence" to back his claim that the Mueller investigation is a witch hunt.
Y'know what? I bet that some you still refuse to comprehend what I'm saying. Even though I've used very simple language, and even though a reasonably-bright eight-year-old should be able to comprehend how the McAlpine Gambit works, some of you will insist on believing that I said something other than what I actually said. Sex is the mind-killer.
If I have any feminist readers left, they probably now want to give me the Familiar Lecture. Something like this:
"WOMEN CARE, MEN SHOULD TOO. Rape and sexual assault are the most underreported crimes in our nation. Worldwide, one in three women experience some sexual violence in their lifetime, according to the World Health Organization. FEAR keeps them from coming forward.That's what you want to say to me, right? Right?
The McAlpine Gambit works every time, thanks to ultra-predictable ninnies like you.
Thus Article The Kavanaugh case and the McAlpine gambit
That's an article The Kavanaugh case and the McAlpine gambit This time, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.
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