Title : Yellow Vest Protests: Who are the Real Thugs?
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Yellow Vest Protests: Who are the Real Thugs?
Hattip Gallier2 for passing these images along. And apologies for being so long in getting these pics postedgallier2February 11, 2019 at 1:45 AMFor those who still don't want to see it
who are the biggest thugs?
the police are breaking the windows?!
not surprised.
I saw the video footage of the 'lone burning car' in France over the week end- it was being waved around as proof of yellow vest violence. BUT.. as it sat burning there was no indication of who had set the car on fire?
It was an exact replay of the burning car at the G-20 in Toronto many years ago... shortly after that incident came the heavy handed crackdown..
In my mind it was the police that had set the vehicle on fire in Toronto and it was, undoubtedly, the police who set the vehicle on fire in France
It's even worse than just breaking windows. It looks more like a bank robbery to me. It's an ATM booth. I don't know if they're really looting it but it would not surprize me in the least with these thugs.
Loic Mendes added 3 new photos.
Besoin subite d'allez faire des courses messieurs de la police ?? Je croyais que c'était les méchants gilets jaunes les casseurs de vitrines !!! 😠😡🤬
The police smashing windows.
Which also brings to mind something else that caught my eye at the past week ends protest.
I'd seen video footage as well as the image below. All reports claimed it was yellow vest protestors who set the car on fire. But there was no information contained in any of the reports that supported the claim. Just a car burning. February 10/19
If you look at the image the only persons around the burning car are the police.In the NYT's report it's claimed protestors broke the windows of stores fronts etc.,
Yet the above images posted on facebook show police breaking windows?
"according to French news outlets, and smashed bank windows and A.T.M.s along the protest march route"
Police smashing windows, bank windows and ATM"s are shown being broken by police!
Considering the only persons I can see around the burning car are the police, should I believe that "yellow vest protestors" set the car on fire? Should you?
Are we better served by questioning everything the media presents to us?
Considering how it is our perceptions are constantly managed?
Thus Article Yellow Vest Protests: Who are the Real Thugs?
That's an article Yellow Vest Protests: Who are the Real Thugs? This time, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.
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