YOU DO NOT HAVE THE LUXURY OF A POSITIVE THOUGHT: WHY DEMS LOST - Hallo friendsDARMO NEWS TODAY, In the article you read this time with the title YOU DO NOT HAVE THE LUXURY OF A POSITIVE THOUGHT: WHY DEMS LOST, We have prepared this article for you to read and retrieve information therein. Hopefully the contents of postings Article culture, Article economy, Article health, Article healthy tips, Article news, Article politics, Article sports, We write this you can understand. Alright, good read.


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I told you so. I told you so. I told you so. I told you so. 
Don't tell me "Biden still has a chance." Like HELL he does. 
Biden will lose. The Senate is lost. Dems lost House seats.
Everywhere I went throughout the past year, people hated me because I told the gloomy truth. I was kicked off of the liberal forums. I was told that my depressing assessment might depress the vote. My real sin was not telling people want they wanted to hear.
Fuck you, optimists. Optimism is the most toxic substance on the planet, yet everyone keeps telling me to gulp it down and serve it up to others. I hate optimists even more than I hate Trump. 

Here's why we lost: Political correctness. Cancel culture. Feminism. "Progressive" rioters and their enablers. Way too much attention paid to Black people (who, for the most part, don't live in purple states) and not enough attention paid to Hispanics (who largely do). 
Americans voted for Trump even though Trump is an idiot and everyone knows it. They did so because people are furious with the anti-White, anti-male, anti-straight madness infesting our colleges, our media, and all liberal institutions.

"Feel guilty, Whitey" is a message that LOSES elections. The "1618 Project" LOSES elections. Talking about a "1776 Project" WINS elections.

You don't like that situation? Tough shit. Even if you construct an argument in favor of the "1618 Project" that I personally would consider logical and persuasive -- and it wouldn't be hard to do so -- so what? Trump's staying in the White House and the fascist movement is growing. You might be able to win a debate, but you can't win an election.
Get a clue, assholes: Most White people don't want to wallow in self-hatred
They're struggling. And every so often, they would like to be able to say "I'm struggling" without immediately being told that Blacks have it worse. 
When White people lose jobs or can't make mortgage payments or suffer some other humiliating setback, they do not want to hear one goddamned word about White privilege. They do not want to be called "racist" for scoffing at those who insist that a White guy working the graveyard shift at 7-11 is somehow more "privileged" than Oprah Winfrey. 
They do not want to be told: "The color of your skin means you were born evil."
They do not want to be told: "Your country was born evil, your flag stand for evil, and the historical figures you admire were actually evil." When average folks struggle to make ends meet, they take pride in national identity -- in patriotism. They hug the flag. They need to feel part of something larger and nobler than themselves.
When liberals make excuses for mobs who tear down statues and destroy shops, it is natural for their opposite numbers to excuse hideous mob violence on the right. Christ, what did you think was going to happen?

Black Lives Matter and Antifa attracted many idealists with good intentions. But when they took to the streets, they provided the river in which the agents provocateurs could swim. Idiots. If those young dimwits had ever read a book or two, they might have been able to predict what would happen.

Intentions don't matter. Effectiveness matters. BLM and Antifa were ineffective at everything they tried to do. All they accomplished was the re-election of Donald Fucking Trump.
When you visit the right-wing sites, you'll see a constant focus on the horrors of political correctness and the stupidities of feminism. Prepare for a shock: Many of these articles are well-written, fact-based and sensible. Most other articles on right-wing sites are conspiracy-crazed horseshit, but not those articles. It infuriates me to see my enemies publish valid criticisms of the anti-White, anti-Male, anti-straight fanaticism which now has a stranglehold on our college campuses. 
These issues matter. Dems keep minimizing them. And Dems keep losing. 
As David Axelrod said: "People will vote for someone they don't like. But they won't vote for someone who doesn't like them."  The Democratic Party has become the home of smug, nescient, "progressive" postmodernist assholes who cannot disguise their contempt for the very people whose votes we need.
The Democratic Party needs to remake itself or it will soon die. Here's how:

1. Democratic leaders must denounce feminism while re-affirming a commitment to gender equality. Feminism is not popular -- not even with women. Watch videos featuring Christina Hoff Summers and Camilia Paglia. I don't agree with everything they say, but they nevertheless have much to teach.

2. Take the "BLACK OWNED" sign off of Democratic Party headquarters. Democrats must stop listening to the voices on MSNBC who keep saying "Forget about working class White people! They're gone forever! Concentrate on Black people!" 
Blacks are only twelve percent of the population, and only a small fraction of that twelve percent live in the battleground states. Remember three simple words: Black ain't purple. Constantly telling Black voters in New York or California (or Tennessee or Arkansas) whatever they want to hear cannot impact the electoral college.
3. Stop concentrating on tiny constituencies. Gender dysphorics constitute only 0.6 percent of the population, yet the fucking progs talk about them as though they were 60 percent. And they want everyone within the 99.4 percent majority to list their pronouns, just to make an annoying, unpleasable faction within the 0.6 feel good about themselves. (Yes, there are many within the 0.6 percent who find this demand to be ridiculous.)
And then progs wonder why they lose!
The other day, I saw a headline on Democratic Underground: LGBTQ Latinos are solidly for Biden! Jesus Christ, who gives a damn? That's a two percent minority group within a thirteen percent minority group. I would have preferred to see a whole lotta Cubans in Florida vote for Biden. I'd rather see the Dems stop taking all Latinos in Arizona and Texas for granted.
Instead of thinking small, let's think big. Let's reach out to the working class -- to the millions of big tough guys who wear Chippewa loggers while working construction. They used to vote Democratic, back in the days when Democrats won elections.
4. Cancel all proponents of cancel culture. They have succeeded only in making everyone want to cancel liberalism. They have succeeded only in making fascists seem cool and hip and bold and counter-culturally attractive.
5. Yell "FUCK YOU" at the Language Police. People are sick and tired of self-important scolds who keep hyper-scrutinizing our every utterance for some ever-so-subtle sign of racism. 
Example: I generally will refer to an American Indian as a member of his or her tribe. But when I don't know the tribe, or when I have to refer to Indians generally, I use the word "Indian" -- not "Native American." Why? Because I am a Native American, as is anyone else born here. (Many Indians prefer the word "Indian" for that reason.) 
You wanna call me racist now? I bet some of you do. FUCK YOU.
You wanna call me a bigot because I occasionally use the word "homosexual" as a synonym for "gay"? Or because I usually avoid the unwieldy and un-euphonious coinage "LGBTQ"? FUCK YOU.
6. Yell "FUCK YOU" at the Culture Police, especially those who want to censor or eradicate old movies that contain moments which make modern progs cringe. Yes, those movies often make me cringe too: When I first saw Casablanca in a revival house back in the early '70s, the audience hissed when Ingrid Bergman called Dooley Wilson "boy." They were right to hiss that moment, but they were also right to applaud the movie's finale. People were more sensible then.
The recent attempts to cancel Gone With the Wind only made that movie attractive to young people who otherwise hate to watch old movies. If you know anything about human psychology, you'll understand that censorship always backfires. Sure, GWTW has many very cringe-inducing moments, but -- despite what the Culture Police keep telling us -- that movie is not about race. It's about sex. That's why it was so popular for so long. 
(I'm surprised that the Culture Police have not tried to ban Selznick's follow-up, Duel In the Sun. That film is also about sex. Unfortunately, it is genuinely racist -- way moreso than GWTW. But the damned thing is so campy and overheated that it was "adopted" by an earlier generation of gay film buffs. I saw it at a Filmex screening back in '76 with a largely-gay audience, and lemme tell you: They should have gone on tour with the thing. Have today's gay people joined the Culture Police? I hope not!)
The Searchers is not a racist movie. It's a movie about a racist. There's a difference. 
Yes, I know some really cringey stories about John Ford. The guy was still an artist -- a friend to the worker and the immigrant, a man who served his country bravely in World War II. Sometimes artists do magnificent things and sometimes they do rotten things. Here's a hearty FUCK YOU to all progs who want to censor art not made by saints.
7. Leading Dems must take a stand against this postmodernist madness on our college campuses. I never thought I'd live long enough to see the right commandeer the "free speech" movement.
Go to YouTube and do a search on this name:
Watch every damned video that comes up. Don't try to mount a counter-argument; she's obviously smarter than you (or me). Squelch your arrogance, drink it all in, and allow yourselves to be taught a thing or two. And then formulate a new political strategy based on those lessons.
She's not the enemy. She's not making excuses for the pals of Pepe. She is a true liberal. She's on our side. She is trying to help you.

Will liberals heed this advice? I dunno. These days, Bill Maher is the only liberal on teevee who consistently makes sense to me. Naturally, many progressives seem determined to beat him up. 
Well, you LOST, assholes. Your side lost what should have been a landslide election. Even if Biden squeaks out a win -- and I don't think he will -- Dems sure as hell didn't get their predicted landslide. 
Look in the mirror, progs. It's your fault. This is on you. You elected Trump. 
Robin DiAngelo elected Trump. Everyone who enabled that bitch elected Trump. Everyone who wants to give me a predictable feminist lecture because I used the word "bitch" just now elected Trump. 
Everyone who made excuses for looters and rioters elected Trump. 
When Ari Melber, just a week before the election, gave airtime to a Black writer hawking a new book titled Why White People Should All Go to Re-Education Camps, Ari cast a vote for Trump. (Okay, that wasn't the actual title of the book. But I haven't really mischaracterized it.) When Jamelle Bouie absurdly claimed that Black people freed themselves during the Civil War (because Bouie cannot tolerate the thought that members of the hated White race might have died for a good cause), Bouie cast a vote for Trump. The liberals who refused to denounce Bouie's obvious anti-White bigotry all cast votes for Trump. 
Democracy is a popularity contest. Insulting the majority of the voters is not the way to make your side popular. 

When I think of how stupidly the Dems have acted, I'm amazed they won anything
Biden ran a great campaign for the most part, but couldn't he have offered a fierce denunciation of communism, just to please (say) the Cubans in Florida? Trump's love affair with Kim Jong-un should have made Trump toxic in Florida. JFK would have seized such an obvious opportunity. Why didn't Biden?

That's my final lesson for today: Never miss a plausible opportunity to run to the right of a Republican. JFK did that to Nixon, when he harped on that (non-existent) missile gap. Bill Clinton's "Sistah Souljah moment" served a similar purpose. Like it or not, that's how you win. 

(Note: John McWhorter favors capitalizing both "White" and "Black." I'm following his lead, but the transition isn't easy.)


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